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I have always been of the understanding there are no common sense rules about how to create a minimal Node.js application with Babel. In my search for these answers, it seemed that every tutorial I came across showed something different. As a result, I wanted to streamline this project setup for my readers and myself, so I developed a common…

I've always been fascinated by APIs. In fact APIs, distributed systems, and web services are the reason why I learned to code . When I started my first job as a junior frontend developer, it wasn't foreign to me to interact with a backend API. I was always fond of decoupled client-server architectures. When I started to be self-employed in 201…

Micro Frontends are the equivalent for Microservices: Whereas microservices are an architecture to split up monolithic backend applications into smaller services, micro frontends can be used to achieve the same on the frontend. But they are not as popular as microservices yet. For my last client, I made a experimental spike for a Micro Frontend…

We will test the following GraphQL resolver which has authorization and permission checks in place. If the user isn't authenticated, the resolver returns an error. If the requirements for the database entity aren't met, the resolver returns an error. Otherwise, the resolver creates a new database entity. If we would use a GraphQL resolver…

GraphQL resolvers are used to resolve GraphQL queries to actual data. In this GraphQL tutorial, you will learn how to set up a GraphQL middleware for these resolvers for dealing with authorization and permissions. The following code snippet shows a GraphQL resolver with arguments that creates a new entity in a database. In this scenario, a user…

The Road to React teaches the fundamentals of React. You will build a real-world application in plain React without complicated tooling. Everything from project setup to deployment on a server will be explained for you. The book comes with additional referenced reading material and exercises with each chapter. After reading the book, you will be…

This tutorial demonstrates how to setup testing with Jest in Node.js. Whereas the previous tutorial has already shown you how to setup your Node.js application, this tutorial sets up a testing environment for your Node.js project. Let's dive into it by setting up Jest as testing framework. Node.js with Jest Setup In order to get our tests up and…

Docker Compose helps you run multi-container applications. In this tutorial, we expand a Docker project, which has only a Dockerfile, with Docker Compose. Before you continue, make sure you have set up Docker properly . If you haven't installed the docker-compose dependency, you can do it with Homebrew on MacOS with the following instruction on…

A collection of all the Docker commands I am using on a regular basis for developing applications with Docker. Docker Machine List all Docker engines: Create a Docker engine: Set environment variables for Docker engine: Start a Docker engine: Stop a Docker engine: Retrieve IP address for running Docker engine: Docker Images List Docker images…