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This article will show you the basic steps to use Redux Saga as side-effect library for asynchronous actions in NextJs. I am no expert in server-side rendering, so maybe you as a reader have more insights that you want to share in the comments. Recently I used Next.js for a server-rendered React.js application. It comes with its open source…

Accepting payments on your own website can be an issue at some point. Often you'll find yourself avoiding it, because you can easily outsource it to platforms such as Gumroad that deal with it. However, at some point you want to avoid these third-party platforms and introduce your own payment system. I dealt with the same issue in a React…

The last two parts of the tutorial series in React introduced two functionalities, a paginated list and an infinite scroll , by using higher order components. However, these functionalities were used exclusively. In one scenario you used a paginated list, where you manually fetched the data, and in the other scenario you used an infinite scroll…

The following React tutorial builds up on Paginated List in React - Build a powerful Component (Part I) . The series of tutorials goes beyond the basic React components that you encounter in other React tutorials. This part of the series will show you how to build an infinite scroll in React. So far, your List component is able to opt-in two…

There are a ton of tutorials about the implementation of applications in React. Most of the time, they use basic components to teach the fundamentals of React, because, to be fair, everything else is hard to cover in one tutorial. Only a handful of long written content will take you on the journey to build more powerful components. I want to take…

At the time of writing this, I am travelling through South East Asia. On my quest to experience the countries in their most natural ways, I try to connect with locals often as possible. When travelling a country, it is not about seeing another cave or waterfall that drives me. Instead, I seek to connect with the local people. When speaking to them…

This tutorial is outdated. Please read over here everything you need to know about React Ref . In the past there has been a lot of confusion around the ref attribute in React. The attribute makes it possible to reference a DOM node in order to access it and to interact with it. This article should give some clarification around the ref…

I did a lot of Angular 1.x back in the days until I started to use React. I can say that I used both solutions extensively. But there were and are several reasons why I moved to React. These reasons were not clear from the beginning, but retrospectively I think I can summarize these very well. In the following I want to give you 10 reasons why I…

Sometimes I feel it's quite obvious, but I never saw it somewhere written down. The article is my attempt to show you a way to organize your state with state keys . I'm using it in my projects, others might already use a similar approach. But nobody advertised it so far. Table of Contents Cluttered State React + Redux developers tend to use…